ecological green sinks

Ecological sinks, green sinks: what are they?

More and more frequently, in the kitchen furniture sector, we hear about green or sustainable trend? as one of the strongest trends of the moment.

The growing sensitivity of persones towards the environment and the desire to inhabit spaces that are compatible with the health of the environment and that of its inhabitants has led the sector to design and produce furniture that is compatible with this need: sustainability has become a decisive director in the choice of materials and mood.

In a previous article, Increasingly green kitchens in 2023we illustrated how the furniture sector aims to new materials such as porcelain, glass and PET. Materials that are able to guarantee a major aesthetic impact, ease of cleaning and durability.

But sustainability in the kitchen does not stop with the furniture and also concerns some of the kitchen accessories, such as sinks.

You may have heard of ecological sinks or green sinks, but what are they really?

Plados Telma is an Italian company that has become a benchmark in the field of designone and manufactureone of high-quality composite sinks.

Since its inception, the company has considered sustainability to be the guiding star of its design and production philosophy, and over the years has launched innovative products on the market in terms of design, functionality and environmental friendliness.

< Scopri Ariapura, il lavello con funziona antinquinante! Clicca qui! >

The company monitors production processes oriented towards saving resources right from the procurement of raw materials.

< Scopri Nanostone, il lavello dalle prestazioni meccaniche ed estetiche eccellenti! Clicca qui! >  

The R&D laboratory's commitment to greater sustainability has led to the designone and realisationone of Rinnovathe green sink at the origin, composed of acrylic and inorganic waste material regrind to make a sink with the ? 90% of componenti green.

Features of the Plados Telma green sink

The plus of the compositionone green is combined with:

  1. Impact resistance;
  2. Resistance to stains;
  3. Scratch resistance;
  4. Heat resistance;
  5. UV resistance.

So, by green sink or ecological sink or sustainable sink, we mean a sink obtained by drawing inspiration from the recycling principle of the circular economy; we mean a sink obtained by monitoring production processes and avoiding waste of the planet's precious resources, such as water or energy.

Plados Telma has embarked on a path of sustainability that affects the company culture itself.

< Scopri la rivoluzione green di Plados Telma, clicca qui! >

If you are interested in learning more about the company and the product range, contact us. Fill in the form and we will answer your request.

Domande e risposte sui lavelli da cucina in composito

Tra le diverse tipologie di lavelli da cucina, dedicheremo un breve approfondimento ai lavelli in composito, rispondendo a 5 delle domande più frequenti che riguardano l?argomento. Che cos?è il materiale composito? Si tratta di una miscela di materiali, resine acriliche, particelle e polvere di minerali, ai quali vengono aggiunti pigmenti di colore che permettono di…

Domande e risposte sui lavelli da cucina in composito


Vi aspettiamo a Espacio Cocina ? Sici - Valencia, il più importante appuntamento fieristico spagnolo dell?arredamento. STAND N3P4 ? C15


Saremo lieti di accogliervi a Pordenone dal 15 al 18 Ottobre per mostrarvi le nostre proposte innovative in termini di colori, abbinamenti, tecnologie, creatività e sostenibilità ambientale.Ci trovate presso il PADIGLIONE 5 - STAND E11.

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