How to learn to live sustainably

More and more persone, driven by the scientific informazione about the health of the planet and the health crisis generated by the pandemic, feel the need to start living in an environmentally sustainable way. But what does it mean to live sustainably?

The term sustainability entered the political and civil debate in 1992, on the occasion of the first UN conference on the environment. Sustainability was, and still is today, understood as a particular one development conditions that are capable of meeting the needs of all without compromising the needs of future generations.
We have all become aware of the bond that holds together economy, persone and environment: every activity of ours, large or small, has an impact on the environment and can worsen or improve the health of the planet. Sustainability, therefore, is first and foremost a matter of environmental protection.assumptionone of responsibilityboth towards the environment and other persone, and then a concrete practice of daily life which aim to improve the quality of life of communities and the health of the planet.

Where does one start to live in an environmentally sustainable way? The home is definitely the first place where we can practice eco-sustainability.
The saving resources is certainly a good first step: water and electrical energy are valuable assets to be consumed responsibly. Use energy-saving light bulbs, choose home appliances of the latest generationone as the induction hobsoneuse natural light, choose green electricity suppliers, prefer mixers for water saving or sinks that reduce the?domestic pollutionare small actions within everyone's reach that can reduce our impact on the environment and contribute to the widespreadone of an environmentally sustainable lifestyle.

< Scopri i lavelli ecologici Plados Telma! >

Not only private citizens but also companies are called upon to contribute to the diffusionone of an environmentally sustainable lifestyle by improving the environmental impact of their production processes, bringing into their organisations green culture and daily practice of sustainability, e.g. urging staff not to waste resources unnecessarily or to dispose of waste correctly.
Another good azione in favour of sustainability is to reward the products of these companies and their commitment to greater and more widespread well-being.

Plados Telma has chosen to embrace a commitment to the environment and persone since its inception; our research and development laboratory is engaged every day in the designone and manufacture of innovative products that are mindful of the health of persone and the environment, starting with the choice of raw materials.
Every Plados Telma product is designed to last and not to be quickly replaceda long life cycle is the guarantee of a responsible production process and an economic model that focuses on use and not consumption.
In our 30-year history, we have taken many steps towards sustainability, convinced that it is also up to us to make our contribution to the protection of the environment and the wellbeing of persone. Discover how even the choice of a sink, a mixer, a household appliance, can be a good azione to start living in an environmentally sustainable way.

< Scarica il catalogo dei prodotti Plados Telma! >

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