kitchen hobs

Hobs: which is the right one for my kitchen?

After proposing a mini guide to choosing a sink and have shown you styles, shapes and colour of kitchen sinksWe would like to give you some useful tips to guide you in the purchase of another important component of your kitchen, the hob.
The first theseone to be addressed is: gas hob o induction hob?

What differentiates them is not only the different type of power supplyone but also the hob structure and burners.
The gas hob usually has a grid to support and hold pots and pans on the burners, in contrast, the induction hobone is usually flat.
The gas hob is generally less expensive than the induction hob, but to help you make the right choice for your kitchen we want to take into consideration two other important aspects to be evaluated, which concern the security and the energy saving.

Live flames and gas leaks are an eventuality to be considered and can cause dangerous accidents. induction glass-ceramic hob guarantees high safety standards.
As far as energy savings are concerned, it must be said that the one induction hob features a very high thermal efficiency and for a?energy efficiency twice as much as a gas hob.

The heat radiates evenly and uniformly and this allows you to cooking while saving time and energy.
Finally, add the ease of maintenanceoneThe ceramic glass ceramic hob is easy to clean with a damp cloth. In contrast, the gas hob has grills and burners that make cleaning a bit more challenging.

In an increasingly urgent sustainability trend increasingly green kitchensit is clear that the advantages of an induction hobone are more than those of a conventional gas hob.

Plados TelmaIn addition to being a leading manufacturer of kitchen sinks, it also offers a wide range of kitchen sinks for the kitchen and bathroom sector. home appliances from which to choose: ovens, hoods, dishwashers and hobs, both gas and induction glass-ceramic.

In this short article, we would like to highlight the aspects to consider when purchasing a hob for your kitchen: structure, safety, energy saving and ease of maintenance are useful criteria to evaluate before making a choice.

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Delta, del gruppo Plados Telma, e Gees Recycling, insieme per il progetto LIFE GREEN COMPOSITE

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