Water emergency: how to fight it in the kitchen!

On 17 June 2021, the UN raised the alarm: the world risks a 40% water crisis as early as 2030.
The news was released following the UN World Water Development Report 2020: the report reveals that there are currently 4 billion persone in the world suffering from water shortages due to climate change, which has significantly reduced water availability.
On the one hand, writes the report, decreases water availabilityOn the other hand, its demand is increasing: in the last century, in fact, water demand has increased by about 6 times due to the growth of the world's population and due to industrial production processes that require ever greater quantities.

The UN alarm was loudly sounded on the very occasion of the one of the World Desertification Dayone with the aim of making everyone aware of responsible use of this most precious resource that is water.

Where do you start to save water? According to our philosophy Kitchen Experience, the kitchen is no longer just a place to live, but a place in which to practise careone for the environment, its health and the health of all the creatures that inhabit it.
With a view to Plados Telmathe kitchen is the first place where each of us can take small daily actions in favour of protecting the planet.

We would like to offer you some tips to start saving water in the kitchen and extend the life cycle of the one we use.

Choose a mixer breaker is a great way to reduce the water jet: these are mixers that use appropriate technology to limit the water flow rate.
Limiting the water flow rate is a good place to start, but it is not enough; there are small measures that will ensure that you do not waste more water than you need.

For example, vegetables and fruit, instead of being washed under running water, can be soaked in a bowl.
It is also preferable to stop using running water to defrost food, always use the same trick, place the food to be defrosted in a bowl with lukewarm water.
The water you have used can then be stored and used for washing dishes; just add a little detergent. Even water from cooking, pasta or vegetables can be used for washing dishes or watering plants.
The water we use to wash food can also be used to wash floors.
Just add a little limone, vinegar and bicarbonate of soda, without even resorting to chemical cleaners that worsen the quality of the air you breathe in your home.
If you would like to try making your own environmentally friendly detergents at home, we have dedicated an in-depth article to this topic: click on here.

Even when cooking, we can limit water consumption. Instead of boiling, for example, we can steam. Steaming allows several foods to be cooked at the same time thanks to the basket system and considerably reduces the amount of water needed for cooking.
Vegetable cooking water can be stored in the freezer and used as a flavouring agent for dishes.

In this article, we have given you a few small tips to limit your water consumption in the kitchen and extend the life cycle of the water you use to do other things without having to consume it again.

Plados Telma is a company that has always focused on sustainability in the kitchen, if you are interested in greening your home, download our product catalogue and look for the dealer closest to your home.

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