What is the state of health of our planet?

In order to answer this question, we must start from an awareness of the fact that the decade 2010 to 2020 closed as the hottest decade ever recordedThe rise in temperatures - 1.25 degrees centigrade more since the century of industrialisationone - brings with it a series of consequences concerning the melting glaciersrising water levels, increased concentrationone of Co2 in the air we breathe.

Scientists estimate that within the next thirty years, glaciers below 3500 metres will disappear completely. This is a very serious loss as glaciers are reservoirs of water that provide millions of persone with access to this precious resource.

Over the last two centuries, the water level has already risen by 20-24 cm and if we are not able to contain the rise in temperature, we will risk in the 2030 to register a increase in water level by about 1 metre.
When it comes to the quality of the air we breathe, the data is no less alarming: the amount of Co2 in the air continues to increase due to human activities and fossil fuels. According to calculations by the Ipcc, the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, the Co2 concentrationone will reach 500-1000 ppm by the end of the centurywith dangerous consequences for the health of persone and the planet's ecosystems.

All these phenomena are clearly linked to the climate change and the data on them shows that the state of health of our planet is far from good.

During the last UN Conference of the Parties, COP26held in Glasgow, it was declared that the planet is heading into uncharted territory and Antonio GuterresSecretary-General of the UN, called on the parties to acting promptlyin the name of solidarity, for a breakthrough, ?in order to safeguard our future and save humanity?

While on the one hand, politicians take steps to protect the planet and its inhabitants, on the other hand, citizens of the world are called upon to do their partby adopting behaviour aimed at reducing the emissions related to their activities. The turnaround that Guterres is talking about also concerns the development modelThe thought of environmental sustainability goes hand in hand with the thought of the sustainability of development.

This means that companies are also called upon to play their part, for example by committing themselves to improve their production processes, reducing environmental impactand to improve their internal organisation in favour of less waste of resources.

Within this framework of intent, Plados Telma is committed to promoting its idea of the Kitchen Experience, in which the kitchen becomes one of the main venues for sustainability, attentionone to the health of peopleone and the environment.

From the raw material to the recycling of the product at the end of its life cycle, the entire value chain is focused on the valorisationone of resources. Plados Telma products are made to last, quality is the guarantee of a longer life cycle, research and development is the guarantee of materials that do not harm the health of those who use them.
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Qual è la forma migliore per un lavello da cucina?

Non esiste una risposta valida in modo univoco perché la forma migliore è sempre la forma che soddisfa tutte le nostre esigenze, di spazio, di attività che vengono svolte abitualmente in cucina, di preferenze di stile. < Scopri tutti i lavelli da cucina Plados Telma, clicca qui! > In linea generale, possiamo dire che, se si è…

forma lavello cucina

Lavello da cucina con miscelatore tradizionale o doccetta estraibile?

La scelta tra un miscelatore tradizionale e un miscelatore con doccetta estraibile dipende innanzitutto da tre fattori: < Miscelatori per il lavello da cucina: come sceglierlo? Leggi la nostra breve guida! > Proviamo ad approfondire meglio queste tre aspetti messi in evidenza. Uno, se avete spazio a disposizione e avete scelto un lavello di grandi…

Lavello da cucina con miscelatore tradizionale o doccetta estraibile?

Delta, del gruppo Plados Telma, e Gees Recycling, insieme per il progetto LIFE GREEN COMPOSITE

Savina Pianesi è la responsabile Ricerca e Sviluppo di Plados Telma. Ha rilasciato un?intervista in merito alla collaborazione di Delta del Gruppo Plados Telma e Gees Recycling per un progetto cofinanziato dalla Unione Europea mediante la call LIFE, denominato LIFE GREEN COMPOSITE. ? Savina, puoi spiegarci cos?è il progetto LIFE GREEN COMPOSITE e in cosa…

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