sinks made of recycled material

Sinks made of recycled material: why choose them?

L?circular economybased on the principle of reductionone in the use of raw materialsalso affects the company's production processes. We have seen how the corporate sustainabilityin fact, essentially concerns a rethinking and a transitionone towards a value chain more attentive to environmental impact.

Plados Telma has been committed to environmental sustainability for decades and recently launched the Rinnovainspired by the principles of the circular economy, reduce, recycle and reuse.

< Scopri il progetto Rinnova di Plados Telma e i lavelli green all?origine realizzati con materia prima riciclata! >

The Rinnova project is the result of a significant investment in research and development that has enabled the creation of a sink using organic and inorganic raw materials for landfillthrough a regeneration processone it was possible to obtain a green compound at origin to make sinks from the high technical and mechanical performance.

Making a sink out of recycled material does not, in fact, mean producing a sink with lower quality standards than traditional sinks; the proportion of green componenti, ? 90%It guarantees resistance to impacts, stains, scratches, heat and UV radiation.

For the same technical and mechanical characteristics, therefore, sinks made of recycled material should be chosen because:

  • They allow reuse raw materials that would be destined for the landfill;
  • They allow reduce the amount of production wasteone internal and external that can be reintroduced, once regenerated, into production processesone;
  • They allow reduce environmental impact of raw material that has a longer life cycle.

Choosing sinks made of recycled material therefore means choosing high-quality sinks which have the added advantage of being environmentally sustainable and being human health because it means reduce the amount of pollutant emissions that worsen the quality of the air we breathe and our health in general.

Domande e risposte sui lavelli da cucina in composito

Tra le diverse tipologie di lavelli da cucina, dedicheremo un breve approfondimento ai lavelli in composito, rispondendo a 5 delle domande più frequenti che riguardano l?argomento. Che cos?è il materiale composito? Si tratta di una miscela di materiali, resine acriliche, particelle e polvere di minerali, ai quali vengono aggiunti pigmenti di colore che permettono di…

Domande e risposte sui lavelli da cucina in composito


Vi aspettiamo a Espacio Cocina ? Sici - Valencia, il più importante appuntamento fieristico spagnolo dell?arredamento. STAND N3P4 ? C15


Saremo lieti di accogliervi a Pordenone dal 15 al 18 Ottobre per mostrarvi le nostre proposte innovative in termini di colori, abbinamenti, tecnologie, creatività e sostenibilità ambientale.Ci trovate presso il PADIGLIONE 5 - STAND E11.

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