There is no single valid answer because the best forma is always the forma that meets all our needs, of spazio, of tasks that are routinely performed in the kitchen, of style preferences.
< Scopri tutti i lavelli da cucina Plados Telma, clicca qui! >
Generally speaking, we can say that if you are used to using large pots and pans, it is more comfortable to use a spazioso sink for convenient cleaning, washing and draining operations. If the dimensions are small, it is preferable to choose a square or rectangular single bowl sink. If, on the other hand, you do not have any spazio problems, then you can opt for a round, oval or forma particular sink.
In this short review, we would also like to highlight the advantages of the forma sink, which is generally preferred for its greater convenience and ease of use.
Square or rectangular kitchen sink: advantages
The square or rectangular kitchen sink has the following main advantages:
- Maximum washing comfort;
- Ease of cleaning.
Contempo: the Plados Telma green rectangular sink at the origin

Contempo is designed to be adapted to different heights and depths. The design combines traditionone and modernity and makes the sink suitable for contemporary, minimalist or country environments.
Contempo is made from reclaimed material that ensures the same characteristics and performance as traditional sinks Plados Telma.
< Scopri di più su Rinnova, come nasce un lavello green? Clicca qui! >
Plados Telma represents an Italian excellence in the designone and productionone of high-quality kitchen sinks.
All Plados Telma sinks are made from the best materials and state-of-the-art production technologiesone.
The company constantly invests in research and development of innovative solutions that combine quality, sophisticated design, high performance and durability, while paying attentionone to the product and process sustainability.