It is a great honour for our Group to receive such an important award from the European Commission.

Our company, in fact, for the Green Sinks project, was invited by the European Commission to the award ceremony for the best European projects approved and financed by the LIFE programme, the European Community's environment fund.

The award ceremonyone will take place in Brussels on the evening of Tuesday 31 May 2016

the Delta project was selected and judged as one of the best and is in contention to be one of the top 5 approved projects or even the best overall (the Best of the Best).

During the award ceremony, the European Commission will announce which project was judged the best overall.

The communicationone sent to us by the European Commission can only give us immense pleasure because it is an important recognition for Delta's efforts and investments in research and development of both new production processes and new products.

Our Group has always invested a lot of resources in the study and realisation of new materials and increasingly innovative products.

Speaking of which, Delta srl was also certified as an 'INNOVATIVE SME' and received the 'SEAL OF EXCELLENCE' from the European Commission. 


 "Seal of Excellence' received from the European Commissione for our European projects.


Plaque - award given to us by Unione Europe - sectionone LIFE (Environment) for our 'Green Sinks' project, one of the best at European level.


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We look forward to seeing you at Espacio Cocina ? Sici - Valencia, the most important Spanish furniture trade fair. STAND N3P4 ? C15

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