Our sinks are present at Masterchef Italy 10

Plados Telma products are featured in the new edizione of Masterchef Italia 10, the most popular culinary talent show on TV that is currently being aired on Sky Channel One every Thursday in prime time.

A collaboration that makes us very proud because it combines our country's culinary excellence with Plados Telma's commitment to producing quality, beautiful, functional and 100% Made in Italy products.

Another reason for great satisfaction is to be present in a TV programme that propone the message of 'conscious cooking': in Masterchef's larder come the best products from the Italian food supply chain and the food that remains unused during the rehearsals does not end up in the bin but will be donated.

An important gesture that fully embraces the sustainable philosophy of Plados Telma, which has always promoted a production chain that is attentive to environmental impact, from design to the choice of raw materials, from distribution to product disposal or recycling.

This is the kitchen that we like, a place of joy and encounter between persone through the food that is prepared and a place of attentione towards the great home that is our planet.

Our wish is that this year's contestants will also be a little inspired by the innovation of Plados Telma to prepare dishes that will earn the stars of excellence.

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