The new ?Plados - Kitchen Experience? catalogue for the best way to experience everyday life in the kitchen

We have produced the new catalogue Plados - Kitchen Experience 2022-2023 the graphic design with style and freshness, trying to bring out the full range of the quality and the sophistication of our products.

In fact, what is contained within the catalogue is the result of 30 years of experience and awareness of the importance of persone, land, research and development, and sustainability.

Our commitment to creating increasingly functional, environmentally friendly and durable products is reflected in a wide range of new sinks, accessories, mixers and home appliances.

Kitchen experience is our philosophy of inhabiting domestic spaces, where our products find their placeone to be experienced in complete freedom and comfort while respecting our planet.

Elegant design and beauty are perfectly symbiotic with the innovative technologies which cover all our product lines. 

Kitchen experience sums up our commitment to concretely improving the lifestyle of persone, so that time spent in the kitchen and every gesture are experiences of good living, well-being, health, care and attentionone, for us and nature. 

kitchen experience is our contribution to a better futurefor everyone.

Download the Plados 2022 catalogue or visit the Downloads

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Delta, del gruppo Plados Telma, e Gees Recycling, insieme per il progetto LIFE GREEN COMPOSITE

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