Ecological deficit: saving resources by recycling

Ecological deficit: saving resources by recycling

The Global footprint network measures each year the resource demands of populations and the responsiveness of the ecosystems they inhabit. Also this year, Italy has consumed more resources than it hasoneand brought forward to 19 May 2024 the day when it began to consume those scheduled for 2025. Italy, in essence, like other countries, is in a dangerous ecological deficit.

We consume more than the environment can provide, and in fact this consumption is a robbery of resources for future generations. If the outgoings exceed the incomes, we need to do something about it. The WWF, on the occasionone of the day, declared the need to return to natural limits by appealing to most advanced technologies and clean and moving in the direction of an economy and an fairer development.

< Scopri l?impegno di Plados Telma per la sostenibilità ambientale, clicca qui! >

Fighting waste, waste becomes a resource

A fairer economy and development start from a decisive change of mindset, raw materials are precious resources that should not be wasted but reintroduced into production cycles. From this perspective, there is no more waste, there are only resources going in and out, circularly, of the production circuitsone.
Plados Telma has already started a revolutionone green which brought the environmental sustainability in the companyfrom the raw material to the product.

Green sinks of the highest quality

Rinnova is the Plados Telma project that led to the productionone of green kitchen sinks origin. This means that in order to be realised regenerated acrylic and inorganic scrap.
Raw materials rinnovate therefore and not virgin raw materials, a substantial difference that throws us into the principles of?circular economy.

What are the features of the Plados Telma green sinks?

The Rinnova sinks from Plados Telma are top-quality sinks that guarantee the same forformance of traditional Plados Telma sinks in terms of stain, impact, scratch, heat and UV resistance. The only difference is a plus, the Rinnova kitchen sinks are made with componenti green ? 90%.
It is an innovation that allows you to have a design sink in your kitchen that guarantees high standards of performance, giving prestige to any kitchen environment and is environmentally friendly.

< Se sei interessato a conoscere meglio i lavelli Rinnova, visita il nostro sito e scopri di più! >

4 idee per arredare con stile la tua cucina in autunno

L?autunno è alle porte e con lui arriva il desiderio di rinnovare gli ambienti della casa per farne un comodo rifugio nei mesi che verranno. La cucina, da sempre, rappresenta il cuore della casa, è il luogo in cui ci si incontra per consumare i pasti ma anche per chiacchierare, fare i compiti, raccontarsi la…

September 25, 2024
4 idee per arredare con stile la tua cucina in autunno

Undermount kitchen sink

Renovating a kitchen requires clear ideas right from the start, otherwise it can only become a source of stress and unnecessary waste of time and money. If your requirements are clearly defined right from the start, then choosing the right sink will also be a simple task. Of course, the spazio that you need must be taken into account...

August 5, 2024
undermount kitchen sink

Questions and answers on composite kitchen sinks

Tra le diverse tipologie di lavelli da cucina, dedicheremo un breve approfondimento ai lavelli in composito, rispondendo a 5 delle domande più frequenti che riguardano l?argomento.Che cos?è il materiale composito?Si tratta di una miscela di materiali, resine acriliche, particelle e polvere di minerali, ai quali vengono aggiunti pigmenti di colore che permettono di ottenere finiture…

July 23, 2024
Questions and answers on composite kitchen sinks
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