30 years of Plados Telma: interview with Riccardo Bertini

? The 30th anniversary of Plados Telma was commemorated with a digital communication campaign that does not recount the past but is an arc stretching from the present into the future. Why?

All stories are born in the past but it is not backwards that we want to look. Our company deals with products in the service of improving the quality of life of persone and improving means constantly pushing forward, thinking about what does not yet exist. That is why we talk about a present that has the precious seed of the past in it, but which looks forward to tomorrow with enthusiasm, in the knowledge that companies too can contribute to building a fairer world for persone and the environment.

? Persone, territory, research and development, sustainability, are not just values for Plados Telma but a concrete daily commitment.

Giving value to persone, contributing to the development of the territory, doing research and behaving respectfully towards the environment are not practices that are only in the realm of ideas. They must be brought to a concrete level, they must be the engine behind doing.

? Persone?

Companies are made of persone, all the persone of a company contribute to its success over time; all the skills are useful to achieve a goal. 30 years of Plados Telma are, above all, 30 years of persone who have made their know-how and their passione available to a project. It is difficult to motivate oneself for the future and to continuously push forward if one is not animated by a strong passione and the ability to always imagine new things.

? Territory?

The Marche region is an extraordinary territory from every point of view, landscape and environmental, historical and cultural. The Marche company is a business model strongly rooted in the values of the territory that knows how to speak beyond its borders. Plados Telma brings together the local and the global, the small and the large, constitutes an important development pole for the communities in the area, but looks beyond, seeks and finds interlocutors even thousands of kilometres away.

? Research and Development?

Research and development have to do with persone's curiosity, their desire for knowledge and discovery. Researching innovative solutions and realising them responds to this primary need placed at the service of other persones. Our goal is to create ever better products that meet the needs of persone and their lifestyle. And this is a road of continuous horizons, there is never a final goal, there is always another goal to strive for.

? Sustainability?

Sustainability is a value and a practice that holds several aspects together, certainly the environmental sphere but also the economic and production sphere. Persone, environment and development are one and the same thing, so sustainability is a practice that must start in the company and go into the product and from the product to the homes of those who buy it. We are all called upon to make a contribution to buildingone a better world for generations to come.

? It is no coincidence that the #30anndi Plados Telma campaign has a hummingbird as its testimonial.

Yes, small and light and yet capable of great feats of flight. This extraordinary animal symbol of determinationone and strength is an invitation, each one of us, however small we may be, is functional to the big one, ensures its functioning and preservation. It applies to the planet, it applies to companies, it applies to communities. Each of us is a hummingbird with a great feat of flight to perform.

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Delta, del gruppo Plados Telma, e Gees Recycling, insieme per il progetto LIFE GREEN COMPOSITE

Savina Pianesi è la responsabile Ricerca e Sviluppo di Plados Telma. Ha rilasciato un?intervista in merito alla collaborazione di Delta del Gruppo Plados Telma e Gees Recycling per un progetto cofinanziato dalla Unione Europea mediante la call LIFE, denominato LIFE GREEN COMPOSITE. ? Savina, puoi spiegarci cos?è il progetto LIFE GREEN COMPOSITE e in cosa…

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