3 good reasons to choose PladosTelma

Whenever we find ourselves in the conditionone of having to buy a product or service, the choice is conditioned by the simultaneous evaluationone of quality, style and convenience of that product or service.

Whether it's a car, a sofa for the living room or the kitchen sink, it doesn't change much and in the name of saving money we often find ourselves having to renounce product quality, with all that this entails, such as low performance and poor durability.

Since its inception, before PladosTelma became an international reference in the industry, the company has put the quality of the product and wanted to make it accessible to everyone. Basically, we wanted everyone to be able to take home a great sink without having to be conditioned by a prohibitive price.

The democratisationone of quality is indeed a founding pillar of the company, a commitment that has enabled the company to obtain important national and international recognition and, above all, the trust of its customers who continue to choose PladosTelma because it is synonymous with quality at the highest level. fair price.

Producing quality objects at a good price also responds to a precise philosophy of living: buying low-value products means being forced to renew them several times over time, it means consuming quickly and replacing forgetting that all this has an impact on the environment around us.

PladosTelma produces top-quality sinks designed to last with the conviction that the life cycle of an object should be long and that durability is an aspect of quality that cannot be ignored.

So far we have given you 2 buone reasons to choose PladosTelma, quality and convenience, the third is missing, the style.

When we buy something for our home, we want the product not only to fulfil the function for which it was purchased, but also to say something about us, about who we are, our taste, our colour, material and forma preference. And this also applies when we buy a sink.

For this ragione we study and anticipate trends, we experiment with materials, shapes and colours, with the aim that every customer can find not just a sink but his sink in the wide choice we offer.

The aesthetic features then marry the best technologies so that the sink is not only beautiful to look at but above all functional and comfortable to use.

Quality, the right price and style are the three main buone reasons to choose PladosTelma for your purchases: you will no longer be forced to choose just one to the detriment of the others, you will be able to take home a product with unique features, made with cutting-edge materials and technologies and available in all the shapes and colours of home furnishing trends

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Delta, del gruppo Plados Telma, e Gees Recycling, insieme per il progetto LIFE GREEN COMPOSITE

Savina Pianesi è la responsabile Ricerca e Sviluppo di Plados Telma. Ha rilasciato un?intervista in merito alla collaborazione di Delta del Gruppo Plados Telma e Gees Recycling per un progetto cofinanziato dalla Unione Europea mediante la call LIFE, denominato LIFE GREEN COMPOSITE. ? Savina, puoi spiegarci cos?è il progetto LIFE GREEN COMPOSITE e in cosa…

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