Interview with Michele Bugiolacchio, CTO of Plados Telma

Michele can you explain to us what is your role in the company and what do you do?
I take care of the managementone of the informaical department, starting from workflows and automations to servers, cloud, backup, web development and security.
Plados Telma has recently designed an augmented reality system, thanks to which you will be able to see via smartphone different sink models directly on your kitchen worktop. Can you explain how this works?
Thanks to augmented reality, it is possible to see a 3D reproduction of certain sinks by simply framing the QR code or clicking on the buttonone with your smartphone.
It is therefore possible to see from the camera of one's smartphone various models, in various different colours, and to be able to evaluate the forma and the colours from the comfort of one's own home or any other place, even by virtually placing them next to a physical tabletop.
I think it is an interesting and different way of looking at our products.
What do you think will be the main benefits of applying one augmented reality in Industry 4.0?

Augmented reality is only at the beginning and in the future I imagine it will be possible to have interfaces that increase the informaions available, especially for those working in production and stocking departments, with special glasses and extra informaions on what the person is looking at at that particular moment.
It will take time before these ideas can be integrated into reality, but the potential is enormous.
Digitalisation is changing the way peopleone interact with companies. On this front, what are the objectives that pone the company?

Our company has always been interested in new technologies and ways of implementation that can enhance our product for optimal and effective use by our customers.
As with AR, we try to identify the best use of what digitisation is bringing, whether the goal is to informare and reach the public, or when the goal is to improve and make production more efficient.
One of the goals that stands out the most is to use digitalisationone and new technologies to improve our relationship with the environment and our planet.

Qual è la forma migliore per un lavello da cucina?

Non esiste una risposta valida in modo univoco perché la forma migliore è sempre la forma che soddisfa tutte le nostre esigenze, di spazio, di attività che vengono svolte abitualmente in cucina, di preferenze di stile. < Scopri tutti i lavelli da cucina Plados Telma, clicca qui! > In linea generale, possiamo dire che, se si è…

forma lavello cucina

Lavello da cucina con miscelatore tradizionale o doccetta estraibile?

La scelta tra un miscelatore tradizionale e un miscelatore con doccetta estraibile dipende innanzitutto da tre fattori: < Miscelatori per il lavello da cucina: come sceglierlo? Leggi la nostra breve guida! > Proviamo ad approfondire meglio queste tre aspetti messi in evidenza. Uno, se avete spazio a disposizione e avete scelto un lavello di grandi…

Lavello da cucina con miscelatore tradizionale o doccetta estraibile?

Delta, del gruppo Plados Telma, e Gees Recycling, insieme per il progetto LIFE GREEN COMPOSITE

Savina Pianesi è la responsabile Ricerca e Sviluppo di Plados Telma. Ha rilasciato un?intervista in merito alla collaborazione di Delta del Gruppo Plados Telma e Gees Recycling per un progetto cofinanziato dalla Unione Europea mediante la call LIFE, denominato LIFE GREEN COMPOSITE. ? Savina, puoi spiegarci cos?è il progetto LIFE GREEN COMPOSITE e in cosa…

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