Corporate sustainability: what are the benefits?

The European Unione aims, by 2050, to achieve what is defined as the climate neutrality or zero anthropogenic emissions through an offsettingone equal to 100% between emissions produced and carbon absorption.

This is an ambitious but necessary challenge that is engaging all governments of nations, both in terms of raising awareness of the impact of the actions of individuals and in terms of alternative business models that allow the transitionone to a green economy.

Protecting the planet, ensuring health and resources for generations to come will also depend on the ability of companies to invest in circularity-related products, taking advantage of technology and digital benefits.

For the achievement of such a challenging goal, the companies' commitment to innovation, research, design and development of solutions that take into account many aspects, such as the provenance and origin of raw materials, the impact of production processes, energy and resource savings in general, will obviously play a decisive role.
Reduceone, reuse, recycle and recover are the 4Rs that will drive the economic transition to the circular model.

The situation in our country is still slowing down, reflecting different social and economic conditions in the area that make the corporate transition to sustainability slower and more complex, especially for those companies that have to bear high costs to move to a zero-emission model.
A decisive boost will certainly come from the 209 billion from the Recovery Plan from which Italy can benefit in order to move swiftly towards sustainable development.

The benefits of corporate sustainability are not only about making a concrete contribution to the environmental cause, but also about more efficient processes, reduction of waste, mone savings on resources, creationone of value in social termsas sustainability directly affects the quality of life of persone.

Plados Telma is a company that has been manufacturing kitchen sinks since 1991. Since its inception, it has been committed to bringing to the market environmentally friendly, competitively priced products that save water and energy, improve the quality of life of persone, and invest heavily in research and development, in order to concretely pursue the goal of reduce, reuse, recycle and recover.

The green commitment does not only apply to the product but also to the company itself; the company covers 40% of its electricity consumption with renewable energy from photovoltaics, thus saving the emissionone of around 300 tonnes of CO2 in one year.

Thanks to the production of green sinks, the reuse of industrial waste, and the energy savings achieved through the realisation of the photovoltaic system, we received the Smau Innovation Award in 2022.

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Delta, del gruppo Plados Telma, e Gees Recycling, insieme per il progetto LIFE GREEN COMPOSITE

Savina Pianesi è la responsabile Ricerca e Sviluppo di Plados Telma. Ha rilasciato un?intervista in merito alla collaborazione di Delta del Gruppo Plados Telma e Gees Recycling per un progetto cofinanziato dalla Unione Europea mediante la call LIFE, denominato LIFE GREEN COMPOSITE. ? Savina, puoi spiegarci cos?è il progetto LIFE GREEN COMPOSITE e in cosa…

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