One more award at home Plados-Delta.

Last Thursday, 17 November 2016, Plados was honoured at the Circolo della Stampa in Milan, by the well-known world-leading logistics company UPS.

The finalist companies of the Export2Succeed Award presented their case studies and export projects at the conference "Export: Small Enterprises, Big Opportunities", attended by Licia Mattioli, Confindustria Vice-President for Internationalisation, and jury members Diego Mingarelli, Confindustria Vice-President for Internationalisation, Alessandro Franci, Confindustria Vice-President for Internationalisation, Alessandro Franci, Confindustria Vice-President for Internationalisation.Licia Mattioli, Vice-President of Confindustria for Internationalisation, and jury members Diego Mingarelli, Vice-President of Piccola Industria di Confindustria with responsibility for Internationalisation, Alessandro Franci, General Manager of Dedar Spa, Iulia Nartea, Country Manager of UPS Italy, and Carlo Robiglio, Director of L'Imprenditore

The initiative was promoted by UPS, the world leader in logistics, in cooperation with L'Imprenditore, the monthly magazine of Piccola Industria di ConfindustriaThe aim is to promote the internationalisation of SMEs and the export of Italian products abroad.

Plados spa's internationalisation project was considered the most valuable and was judged by the jury to be the best, winning the national Export2Succeed award with the title 'Best Exporting SME 2016'.  



Plados has always aimed to expand into the world market and receiving an award for this can only give us great pleasure because we have always considered exports to be a strategic pillar of our business plan.

We sincerely thank the organizers for appreciating our internationalization project.

We will continue to work with the aim of making Plados a leading player at global level.




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