Interview with Riccardo Bertini Managing Director of Plados Telma

Riccardo, the year opened with the news that PladosTelma products will be featured in the tenth edione of the most famous cooking show on TV, Masterchef Italia. An important collaboration that links the quality of your products to Italian gastronomic excellence.

In the year of our company's 30th anniversary, this is an opportunity that makes us doubly proud. Masterchef is not just a talent show, but perfectly embodies the values of many Italian companies, promotes the excellence of Made in Italy, and enhances the creativity and craftsmanship that have always characterised the know-how of our country.

Quality and style at the right price is a phrase that encapsulates well your brand philosophy and tells of your commitment to using the best materials and technologies to make a product forformante in every respect.

Our mission has always been to create aesthetically pleasing, practical and functional products, and we do this through design solutions with highly innovative materials and functions. As far as composite sinks are concerned, it is precisely in the colour range that our proposals find their greatest expressionone, we want to contribute to making the kitchen environment more pleasant and lively!

Research and innovation are two fundamental aspects of the company, doing research to produce products that are ever closer to the needs of peopleone also means working to improve their quality of life. Tell us about Delta lab?

Our research and development centre consists of the chemical-physical laboratory and the raw material production plant and is definitely the beating heart of the company.

In addition to providing technical and scientific support for the company's activities, it is involved in numerous circular economy and eco-sustainability projects involving universities and companies from other sectors: this is also the purpose of our laboratory, to make our know-how available and to network with other realities for a common cause.

We have talked about research and innovationone serving peopleone but PladosTelma has always been concerned with the environment as well. What are the company's sustainable buone practices?

Our environmental strategy goes back a long way and has always been expressed in every act of product and process life. The European project Green Sinks, in the field of circular economy and financed by the European Unione, is certainly an example of this. We promote environmentally friendly products that enable persone to save water and energy (see our ecological mixers).

A very extraordinary year ended in its exceptionality, how did you deal with the changes imposed by the pandemic in your company?

Fortunately, our company had already been on a digital transformation path for a few years. The pandemic has accelerated this process, although there is still a long way to go, the needs of today's consumers will not be those of tomorrow. In the global tragedy with devastating impacts, I think companies, including ours, have found new insights and new energy to face the challenges of the future. Business organisation and technology will have to be increasingly integrated and speak the same language. This will probably be the most difficult and stimulating challenge for everyone.

What are the company's wishes and goals for 2021?

Continuing the path of digital transformazione and working in total security will also be top priorities in 2021.

On the commercial side, we will try to strengthen our presence in international markets - we are currently present in 50 countries - through new forms of partnership and collaboration.

Domande e risposte sui lavelli da cucina in composito

Tra le diverse tipologie di lavelli da cucina, dedicheremo un breve approfondimento ai lavelli in composito, rispondendo a 5 delle domande più frequenti che riguardano l?argomento. Che cos?è il materiale composito? Si tratta di una miscela di materiali, resine acriliche, particelle e polvere di minerali, ai quali vengono aggiunti pigmenti di colore che permettono di…

Domande e risposte sui lavelli da cucina in composito


Vi aspettiamo a Espacio Cocina ? Sici - Valencia, il più importante appuntamento fieristico spagnolo dell?arredamento. STAND N3P4 ? C15


Saremo lieti di accogliervi a Pordenone dal 15 al 18 Ottobre per mostrarvi le nostre proposte innovative in termini di colori, abbinamenti, tecnologie, creatività e sostenibilità ambientale.Ci trovate presso il PADIGLIONE 5 - STAND E11.

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