Kitchen sinks with 'ARIAPURA' technology to purify the air and fight pathogens

We are all going through a very difficult time because of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Our Group, one of the world's largest manufacturers of kitchen sinks, holds two important international patents concerning the use of photocatalytic titanium dioxide nanoparticles (TIO2) in the production of items for the kitchen, bathroom and furniture in general.

The Plados-Telma Group, unique in the world, has been using this technology for at least 6 years, for commercial simplicity called ARIAPURAin its own production of kitchen sinks and in the production of raw material for composite sanitary ware.

The main benefit of using titanium dioxide nanoparticles is that they trigger powerful photo-catalytic activity.

Kitchen sinks with 'ARIAPURA' technology to purify the air and fight pathogens 1

In practice, in the presence of natural or artificial light, titanium dioxide nanoparticles (TIO2), through the phenomenon of photocatalysis, attack and transformano the pollutants present, through a complex process of decompositionone. This means that the organic compounds responsible for bad odours in the kitchen environment can be transformaed into non-smelly molecules, and pollutants such as particulate matter, carbon monoxide, sulphur dioxide, nitrogen oxides, moulds, microorganisms, bacteria, and, according to recent authoritative studies, even viruses, can be effectively eliminated thanks to the photocatalytic action of TIO2.

The reasons that led the Plados Group - Telma to use TIO2 nanoparticles is due to the fact that the photocatalytic properties of TIO2 nanoparticles are superior when compared to other photoinitiators with regard to the photocatalytic degradation of organic contaminants in the air. The surfaces of products made with TIO2 nanoparticles are particularly effective in purifying air and have advanced antimicrobial properties, thus helping to reduce risk factors for human health.

For more information on this technology:

Important international scientific publications are focusing on these studies, claiming that products made with titanium dioxide nanoparticles (TIO2) help to counteract and slow down the spread of pathogens, bacteria and microorganisms.

In an English-language article in the well-known scientific journal 'Photochemical & Photobiolocical Sciences' published by the Royal Society of Chemistry The effectiveness of titanium dioxide nanoparticles (TIO2) on, for example, the normal seasonal flu virus is highlighted.

The possession of the above mentioned patents allows the Group to Plados - Telma to produce, unique in the world, kitchen sinks equipped with titanium dioxide nanoparticles (TIO2). A sink with these characteristics makes it possible to breathe healthier, cleaner air inside the home, provides important protectionone for the family and helps slow down the spreadone of bacteria, micro-organisms and viruses, not excluding flu viruses.

The above is further confirmation of the goodness and foresight of the significant investments in research and development that the Plados-Telma Group has been advocating for several years. Circular economy, environmental protection and safe, reliable and environmentally friendly products are the goals the Group pursues with strength and great determinationone.

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